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The values of The Danish Consumer Council have human well-being at the center. When the organization outgrew its previous office in the center of Copenhagen and moved to Nørrebro – in a building from 1857 originally built for Nordisk Metalvarefabrik, they wanted a place that was comfortable and functional which provided opportunities for working in deep focus as well as knowledge sharing and socializing.

Based on the values of The Danish Consumer Council, user input from workshops and dialogue meetings, as well as the building’s qualities and possibilities, the concept of “The Sensible Choice” was developed which laid the foundation for a functional interior with its identity at the center.

The interior is built around functional, well-tested design, and economically profitable solutions. Simple geometry is used as an element in the interior design. This creates a connection between TÆNK’s visual identity and the physical framework of the workplace.

A harmonious color palette invites to a calm working environment and complements the graphical green objects of TÆNK. To make it easy to make the right choice during the working day, working zones with their functions and themes were established, and clarified through spatial coloring and furniture typologies. Hereby we accommodated the need for several different functions in an open office.