DTUelectro B357
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DTU Test Center B357

Experimental education

“The new DTU Electromagnetic Test Center will give us the ideal foundation for expanding our field of research within high frequency measurements of antennas for instance to ESA’s satellites and at the same time we get the opportunity to do advanced measurements of other microwave technologies, e.g. for use in 5G cellphones, wireless networks or radars for cars.”

Says Professor Olav Breinbjert, DTU Electro, leader of the center

The test center for the Technical University of Denmark is unique in a Danish context. The test center strengthens the university’s leading position in the research of electromagnetic systems and is the home to students and researchers of DTU Electro Institute. The building houses research facilities, including radio-silent laboratories, meeting facilities, and classrooms. The facility holds a large education laboratory with an affiliated study area. Here, the architecture is designed to facilitate an interdisciplinary research environment among researchers, businesses, and students. The building’s architecture elaborates on the existing built environment of the campus. Around the test center, the area holds several other unique research buildings. To support the existing research environment, the test center is connected by a passage to the existing test facilities in B353.

Collaborative Research Hub

In the research architecture, we have prioritized a high degree of flexibility. The test areas of the building are designed to have clear visual connections to the study area. In addition, the expansion of available research facilities for high-accuracy testing of microwave technology allows more students, external partners, and researchers, such as NASA, the European Space Agency, and Boeing, to have access to radio-silent laboratories. This opens new areas of in-house research projects and teaching purposes, as well as measurement programs conducted in collaboration with and by external partners.



Gold Classification

The ambitions for sustainability in the test center are high. To meet the ambitions, we use the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals as a tool for identifying sustainable solutions. To ensure this result and document the value created, the test center is set to be certified as Gold Class within the DGNB system. Further, the architectural concept is designed to meet the many specific demands for the performance of the building’s construction. This includes modification of the façade, regulation of temperature in the laboratories, and a vibration-free foundation, all ensuring the accuracy of the research results.

Cutting-Edge Research Facility

The building is an expansion of the existing DTU ETC, which is a world-leading research center in the field of electromagnetism. The test center is home to students and researchers from DTU’s Department of Electrical Engineering. The building consists of a large test hall with four test chambers, a classroom, and a study environment. These chambers cater to various testing needs, including stargate antenna testing, millimeter-wave antenna testing, millimeter-wave component and circuit testing, and general-purpose testing.

The requirements and needs for the test center are extremely high. For instance, the temperature within the chambers is maintained precisely at 22.0 Celsius with a tolerance of +/- 1.0 Celsius, while humidity levels are kept at 50% with a tolerance of +/- 10%, throughout the year. The building’s design prioritizes a sealed environment to prevent external factors from causing vibrations within the research space, ensuring optimal testing conditions.

Technical University Denmark
1 498 m2 / 16 124 ft2
Lyngby, Denmark
Artelia / ELINDCO
Niels Nygaard
DTU Electro